Lead, Innovate, Deliver...

Integrated Management Services...

Working throughout the UK, Leading Initiatives is a trusted consultancy firm that provides integrated management services to developer clients in the energy sector. As professionals in the industry, we have extensive experience when it comes to bringing commercial benefit to development projects. 

  • Gas Peaking and Energy Storage...

    As an expert in flexible power, we lead a skilled and varied network of practitioners across the UK that ensure every step of a project’ delivery is covered, from site finding and property advice, utilities connection applications and agreements, planning and permitting, land negotiation and agreements, commercial analysis and due diligence, project acquisition advice, and financing. 

    Services can be delivered as a fully integrated turnkey solution, taking a project through from inception to first generation, or can be tailored to complement and wrap-around our clients’ existing skill set. 

    To find out how we can bring value to your energy project, call us on 01902 864610.
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